Nuestro trabajo
We are building a multi-racial democracy from the ground up by creating people power and a government that works for all of us. We organize with those most impacted by our issues to build power and win campaigns at the local, state and national levels. We are fighting to ensure that Texas is a state that treats all of its workers with dignity and respect regardless of their status or the sector they work in. Our members build Texas and we are fighting to ensure they have a seat at the decision-making table.
Through our Movement Politics program we work to:
1. Mobilize Latine voters on our issues of immigration and worker justice and to ensure we increase their turnout each year.
2. We elect people’s candidates to key offices in our priority counties; Travis, Tarrant, Dallas, & Harris.
3. We bring those most impacted to the electoral process.
4. We are building Co-Governance relationships with those we elect to office.